
I’m Caste, a self-taught video editor and fighting game competitor since around 2008. From the first time I’ve had internet access I’ve always been really fascinated by video editing and graphic design, thanks to places like Emudesc (a now defunct internet forum about videogames), DeviantArt, and of course Youtube and the YTP / YTPMV community, which really got me into learning proper video editing software and sparked my interest for a lot of internet subcultures and their repective styles, music preferences, and of course their sense of humour (I’ve been here for the laughs from the beginning, you see?).

It’s been a really slow learning process because I’ve never seen any of this as a professional skill, and I honestly used it as a last resort when the Covid pandemic hit. Since 2020 I’ve probably learned a lot more than in the last decade, and there’s still a lot I have to explore and get good at.

Video Editing

These are the main tools I use:

  • MAGIX Vegas Pro 21
  • Adobe After Effects 2021
  • Adobe Photoshop 2021
  • Reaper

I also have experience with Adobe Premiere but I GREATLY dislike the workflow, and the advantages from Vegas Pro are not worth it.

Since August 2020 I’ve been working mainly as a video editor for Diaphone (a top level fighting game player and content creator), making mostly all videos and thumbnails on the channel (around 185) and getting over 6 Million views and 70.000 suscribers. While also making some other videos and thumbnails for other smallers creators in the same space.

Playlist with all the vids I’ve edited

Outside of work I’m a YTPMV / 音 MAD enthusiast and I make them from time to time, which is my favourite audiovisual genre and internet culture.

I’ve participated in some YTPMV Collaborations, including the almost 2 hour long “The hhgregg Collab - It’s “Christmas in July!”, with entries from around 50 people.

Playlist with all the YTPMVs I’ve made

Competitive gaming

I’ve been competing and organizing tournaments for SSB (and much later, fighting games) since around 2009 - 2010, getting repectable placements in Smash 4, Smash Ultimate, Dragon Ball FighterZ and Guilty Gear Strive. Back in 2018 I even got sponsored by “Vortex”, a now defunct local fgc team, but it didn’t last very long. I also got into speedrunning around 2017.

  • #22 Smash 4 Spanish Ranking (2015)
  • Best Smash 4 player in Albacete (2014 to 2016)
  • Best Smash Ult. player in Albacete (2019)
  • #39 Dragon Ball FighterZ Spanish Ranking (2019)
  • #3 Road to Red Bull Gladiators Eur. classifier (Guilty Gear Strive)
  • Multiple Top 8 results in locals around Spain
  • Former WR for SSBB Classic Mode (05:25) - 03/03/2017
  • 24th out of 231 in Shovel Knight Any% (47:52) - 23/01/2020

Other interests

Besides all that, I’m into videogames (who would’ve thought) and videogame criticism. Same with music, but I’ve been less and less interested in new music for a couple of years now. I have a Backloggd and RateYourMusic account if you wanna see what I’ve been up to.

As of late I’ve gotten into console repairs (mostly Wii), which I always liked but found a bit inaccessible until now. I’m also the biggest advocate for videogame piracy, so I really enjoy learning about modding and homebrew.